Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter days

I was born in El Salvador. Raised in California. Became an adult in NJ. In the fall of 1993, there were 17 snow storms that hit the east coast. Yes, a California raised boy in the midst of NJ winter weather. This set the table for numerous things to happen: depression, refuge in alcohol, and more alcohol to stay warm in the tough winter months of '93-'94.

Embarking on this new venture to speak about my experience as an Immigrant child and adult in this country, it brings back a re-birth of sorts. Arriving in the winter and leaving in the midst of its torturous spring. I often wondered if I was as much a punk to not "weather the storms" but definitely wasn't as courageous as I am now to venture and speak even more freely.

So, when I open the show at Rider University in the first week of March, my life will have come full circle. Rider University is going to be the launch pad for me to showcase my skills as an orator and as an entertainer. A lot of writing, practicing, and adjusting to financial difficulty has proven stressful. Something wonderful has appeared out of the financial struggle and stress of performing, and booking places to document and perform across the country; a stronger connection with GOD and faith.

Before, I would play the victim (although many things were often out of my control), bitch and ask GOD why? As my spirituality gets stronger and my walk with GOD gets closer, I am, not necessarily welcoming hardship, but I will sure have faith that this is just an opportunity to just do "that", prove my faith.

Currently, the struggle is getting "real". But, I have a GOD who is bigger than any problems that can come my way.

Back to Trenton after working on the outline to my hour show in March at Rider.

Now the editing for I, Axis Mundi has to pick up, add the voice overs, then the effects.

Lot of pressure, big risk. Someone recently told me, "I'm jealous in a way. Your whole life has been a risk, so you don't give a fuck." Word. With GOD's grace and blessing, I will show case the talents he bestowed upon me.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 2

I'm embarking on a journey that will hopefully will take me back home to California. I want to feel the warmth of the summer breeze that sets a tranquil sentiment to your soul, once again. I'm tired of running around hiding from the cold, and having to catch rest from the business of the east coast. I love the friends and family I have met, but it isn't home. Well, California is not home either. El Salvador is.

Just like anything in life, it can't be easy. My car died. But it's cool. I'm expecting many obstacles to get to the Emmy's, Golden Globes, and Oscars. It's not that easy to be standing after being denied time after time. But this time, not age, not exterior factors, not lack of support, not lack of anything will be an excuse to not succeed. Because, there is no other option. If I fail, I let down not just myself, but many other people. But most importantly, when I do succeed, I will be able to say, that I did it because it was my idea, it was my hard work it was me. If I don't get on the road, it falls on me. It literally does. I have to get not he plane and actually leave and do it. Not my mother, not the cold, not the lack of English, nor the lack of opportunity to perform. My goal is to get to California with a buzz about "How You Liven?" If Miami and Atlanta are hot then we can get the excitement we need.

So, I guess that's why while investing most of my savings into a web series (I, Axis Mundi -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOy-n8ClaVA), and Inspirational Company; Dream, Believe, Achieve!, I can only hope that this venture I'm about to embark on liberates my mind and spirit. I hope that it shows me what is good about people. But I mostly want to travel and learn about the different sides of the United States, and their style of performing the Spoken Word. Which places do you think would be hot? Don't worry, I'm hitting Baltimore in early May, waiting for the weather to get warmer before I come back up to NJ, NY, PA. But will be in Harlem for the Showing of I, Axis Mundi in late April.

Well, after my one man show showcase at Rider University in March, I will be hitting the road. With no job to speak of, and a passion for writing and performing are what I believe I was born to do (second to playing soccer). Hitting towards the South - specifically Florida. Tampa, Orlando, Miami are on the hit list to showcase my spoken word and document the talent and hottest spots around the country. Where will these episodes be found? On GersonMartinez.com or soon to be Dream, Believe, Achieve.

I'm hoping to stay at friend's places and even hit the college spoken word scene. I just need a couch to crash on. I'll bring the camera and edit what I can and post on a daily basis. This video was shot at some venues in Pennsylvania, NY, Delaware,CT.


I'm also producing a web series about secret societies. Well, about one secret society, I, Axis Mundi. "If you don't know about it, don't ask about it, until you are told about it." It is the Creed, I, Axis Mundi.


So, if you see me on tour, hit me up, give a lift, or a pillow it will be much appreciated. But if you just want to spit some Spoken Word then it's a blessing!

I will be posting here to give updates of the tour.

Gerson Vladimir

How You Liven?